Mini Vape Tool Kit Bag
This is Based on My Fav Kit with a couple add ons. The Comprehensive Kit has everything you would need or want to carry with you to perform a variety of things for ex. a coil replacement or adjustment, replace cotton, rebuild a deck, make adjustments to airflow, poke cotton or whatever.
The only thing I'd recommend that isn't in the kit for several cost-efficient reasons, gloves.
Kit Includes:
- Tweezers
- Pliers
- Ceramic Tweezers / Coil Jig
- Metal Tweezers
- Vape Band
- Pick
- T-Screwdriver
- Keychain ScrewDriver
- Scissors
- Steel Brush
- 30Ft Spool of A1 Wire
- 1 Bag of XFKM Cotton